PSU Campaign established

April 20, 1994

PSU Campaign established

By Ray Fulcher

MELBOURNE — A new Public Sector Union rank and file group, PSU Campaign, was officially launched here on April 9. The group's charter is to work for a more democratic, open and involving union, for improved pay and conditions and against "the current leadership's bankrupt policies".

PSU Campaign brings together a number of existing rank and file groups within PSU Victoria as well as people not previously involved. It is a major step forward for activists and will provide greater scope for discussion and united action.

The meeting heard from PSU National Challenge candidate for national secretary, Maree Roberts, and voted to support the campaign of PSU National Challenge, raising funds, distributing material and launching the campaign in Victoria on April 21 (6.30pm, 3rd floor, YWCA, Elizabeth St, Melbourne).

A coordinating group of seven was elected, including Derek McPherson as convener, Judy McVey as secretary and Ray Fulcher as treasurer. The group was mandated to draw up a draft constitution and begin policy formulation.

For more info or to join, phone Derek (03)811 9120, Judy 274 7114, Ray 680 1208, Tony 284 6459, or write to PSU Campaign, PO Box 12284, A'Beckett St PO, Melbourne 3000.

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