Public Forum: Resisting the politics of Trump — How capitalism enables the far right

Conferences & public forums


6:30pm to 8:30pm Tuesday 25 February


Resistance Centre
Level 5, 407 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


Public Forum: Resisting the politics of trump: how capitalism enables the far right

Tuesday 25 February, 6:30pm (dinner from 6pm) @ Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston Street. City..

The second term of Trump has been onset by a series of attacks on the most oppressed sections of the community; giving inspiration to right-wing movements around the world.

Worse the politics of Trump is increasingly becoming normalised.

Far-right politicians and groups around the world are emboldened by Trump’s win. Far-right parties such as AFD in Germany are projected to gain a majority in the upcoming German elections.

In so-called Australia the Albanese government is openly aligning itself with the Trump administration through the US-Australia millitary alliance. Meanwhile Dutton and the Liberal Party are increasingly taking inspiration from Trump's brand of reactionary right-wing politics including campaigning against immigration.

Yet the roots of the Trump presidency are rooted in rising inequality and economic insecurity through decades of neoliberalism and a massive transfer of wealth towards the rich.

Join this discussion hosted by Socialist Alliance and Green Left on how we can resist the politics of Trump and discuss how Capitalism today is enabling the growth of the far-right.

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