'Put people first', say socialist candidates

March 9, 1994

'Put people first', say socialist candidates

By Bill Mason

BRISBANE — "The Brisbane City Council, under the Soorley administration, has put the needs of private developers before people in our inner cities", Ana Kailis, Democratic Socialist candidate for Dutton Park ward in the March 26 BCC elections, said on March 1.

"The development of our inner-city suburbs has been allowed to continue without public scrutiny and has led to increased rental and the squeezing out of low-income earners into the outer suburbs. The community, not the market, should have the power to determine the character of our inner city."

Susan Price, Democratic Socialist candidate for Central Ward, added: "Police harassment of Aboriginal people and the homeless in Brisbane's inner suburbs must not be allowed to continue, with the tacit support of the council".

"Since Wayne Goss took power in the state government and Jim Soorley's ALP team won the BCC elections in 1991, we have seen cuts to rail services, threats to privatise Brisbane's buses and the closure of train lines, which all cost jobs and disadvantage public transport users in Brisbane", Kailis said.

"The record of the Liberals in Council proves that they pose no alternative to Labor. What we need is a green, left alternative to the 'Laborials' in Brisbane."

For further information or offers of assistance, contact the Democratic Socialist campaign on (07) 254 0565.

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