Putty valley residents organising against coal seam gas mining in their community, about 150 kilometres northwest of Sydney, released the statement below on August 15. It first appeared on the Putty Gasbag blog.
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About 50 people were at a protest against coal seam gas on a private property on Putty Road on Sunday August 14.
The ABC chopper landed in the paddock to the cheers of the placard-waving crowd.
Cars and bikes tooted their approval as they drove by Australia’s sporting colours, the green and gold, inspired by wattle trees in full bloom that were on display along the sides of the road.
The community is concerned about Dart Energy plans to start drilling a core hole later this week 500 metres from the World Heritage Wollemi National Park and within the Hawkesbury catchment area.
This is the beginning of the industrialisation of a valley surrounded by internationally recognised wilderness areas.
The community has received legal advice that drilling may ultimately breach Section 41 of the National Parks & Wildlife Act 1974.
Chair of the Putty Community Association coal seam gas subcommittee, Kathy McKenzie, has acted swiftly to inform the government: “As soon as I had this legal advice I provided it to the Minister for the Environment, Robyn Parker ... and, of course, the Premier.”
To date she has received no response.
McKenzie said: “We are a small community standing up for a principle. We want to see national parks in NSW secured for future generations."
The government is leaving it to a small rural community to fight for the Wollemi and the water catchment for the Hawkesbury.
Dart Energy has lost all credibility with local landholders.
“Let me be completely explicit: Dart Energy has NEVER initiated community consultation in this valley,” McKenzie said.
All community consultation has been initiated by the community, not Dart Energy.