Q-Build workers protest govt stand-downs

May 29, 2002


BRISBANE — Construction and maintenance workers employed by the Queensland government public works corporation Q-Build marched through city streets on May 21 to protest low wages and inequities in superannuation and working conditions between Q-Build's white- and blue-collar workers.

The state Labor government claims a paperwork ban imposed by Q-Build employees has cost up to $1 million a week as jobs were completed without the relevant invoices or billing.

"Queensland Labor government joins the ranks of the corporate bully boys", declared a leaflet distributed by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, which covers the workers, after the government locked out Q-Build workers for taking industrial action.

The mood amongst Q-Build's workers is angry; they feel particularly betrayed that it's an ALP government taking action against them.

"What does the Labor Party stand for? Is Labor the party of big business or is it the workers' party?", the union's leaflet asked.

From Green Left Weekly, May 29, 2002.
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