Queensland students defy threats

August 6, 1998


Queensland students defy threats

By Peter Robson and Sarah Cunningham

BRISBANE — Threats of expulsion didn't stop more than 2000 high school students protesting here on July 28 against racism and One Nation.

The rally, which started at King George Square, heard speakers from high schools, the Vietnamese and Chinese communities, and the Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Association.

The square was swamped by media, but the coverage was not all positive. Students were angry with journalists who tried to paint the protestors as dupes manipulated by communists.

"We are here representing ourselves as students and what we believe in", speaker Jesse Sullivan said. One student protested against the sensationalist media coverage by bringing a large picture of Karl Marx. "If they're calling us communists then Karl has to be here today", she said.

As the protestors marched to Parliament House, many people joined in, swelling the numbers to around 5000. Arriving at Parliament House, the students met up with some 2000 Aboriginal protesters, already standing vigil. The two groups could barely fit into the huge area outside parliament.

The Aboriginal protesters cheered the students as they arrived chanting "Hanson, Howard, racist cowards!". Aboriginal activist Sam Watson thanked the students and told the crowd that, "Although One Nation and the Coalition are bad for Aboriginal rights, [ALP premier] Peter Beattie is also bad for Aboriginal rights".

Beattie was supposed to be a speaker on the day, but because of his attacks on students' right to protest during school hours, the hostile crowd deterred him from even showing his face. Instead, the students held an open platform.

Despite the success of the walkout, students are still being criticised by the authorities for speaking out. At least 10 students are reported to have been expelled for walking out from one private school. Many others are facing suspension.

Resistance has pledged to defend those who are being persecuted for disobeying teachers. As part of this defence, another national walkout has been called for August 28. To help organise it the Brisbane walkout, call Resistance on (07) 3254 0565.

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