Queensland ‘world epicentre of pollution’

November 20, 2010
Drew Hutton.

— "Queensland is now the world epicentre of pollution of our atmosphere", Greens leader Bob Brown told 200 people at a November 14 meeting sponsored by Friends of the Earth, 6 Degrees, the Wilderness Society and the Queensland Conservation Council.

"We know what is coming if we don't put a stop to the use of fossil fuels. This year is the hottest ever in human existence, and it's only going to get worse if we don't take urgent action to tackle climate change."

Drew Hutton, Queensland Greens co-founder said: "We are now seeing the last, desperate gasps of the fossil fuel industry. The mining companies will ruin whole regions if we can't stop them.

"The good news is that there is growing resistance to the process. There are already 15 community groups active on the Darling Downs, and a green-farmer alliance is now being formed.”

He promoted the “Lock the Gate Campaign" for farmers to refuse entry to mining companies.

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