'Queer army fights back'

November 17, 1993

PERTH — As part of this year's Pride Parade, held on October 29, the Cross-Campus Queer Network, the Western Australian network for queer university students, put together a parade float opposing the Howard government's anti-student union and industrial relations legislation, as well as its ban on same-sex marriages.

The theme of the CCQN float, staffed by 50 students and university staff, was "The queer army fights back". Altogether, there were 52 floats in this year's parade. For the first time, high school students — from the John Curtin Senior High School — had a float in the parade.

Several trade union queer caucuses were represented, including GLAM, the queer caucus of the Australian Services Union, and B-LeGITS from the teachers' union.

Farida Iqbal

From Green Left Weekly, November 9, 2005.
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