SYDNEY — Forty-five university students from Canberra, rural NSW, Newcastle, Wollongong and inner Sydney campuses attended the March 3 NSW Queer Students Network conference.
The conference decided to continue to fight against the Howard government's "voluntary student unionism" legislation and to organise "VSU kills queers; queers kill VSU" contingents for the April 12 national student protests. The students also decided to organise queer activist contingents in the March 18 protests against the war on Iraq, participate in the March 28 protest in Canberra against visiting British PM Tony Blair and organise a queer bloc at the refugee-rights Easter weekend action at the Villawood detention centre.
Reports from Wollongong University's successful queer space campaign assisted activists from the University of Canberra who are organising a queer space campaign of their own.
Rachel Evans
From Green Left Weekly, March 8, 2006.
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