RAC-Vic calls for June 2 NDA

March 27, 2002


MELBOURNE — At its March 19 meeting the central Melbourne Refugee Action Collective (RAC-Vic) endorsed the idea of a national day of action for refugee rights for Sunday June 2.

While not discussing details of the action, RAC activists noted that there had been considerable speculation as to whether a national mobilisation was to be held a year after the successful national rallies on June 4 last year. By endorsing the action in principle, RAC-Vic sought to encourage refugee rights groups in other cities to follow suit.

RAC-Vic's decision to back a national mobilisation for refugee rights on June 2 comes one week after RAC activists voted to endorse actions planned for May 1 this year. Following a presentation from M1 Alliance activists, RAC-Vic decided to endorse a mass blockade of the immigration department offices in Londsdale Street on the morning of May 1.

From Green Left Weekly, March 27, 2002.
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