Radio highlights

July 3, 1996

Radio highlights

Catfish Culture — Sarah White has deheaded, gutted, skinned and filleted countless catfish at Delta Pride, the largest catfish processing plant in the world. She also led a 1990 strike at the plant, the largest strike by African-American workers in Mississippi history. Healthy doses of bayou boogie round out this study of the US south. ABC Classic FM, Saturday, July 6, 3.30pm.

Music Deli celebrates 10 years — The ABC program that has brought the folk and traditional music of Australians from many different backgrounds to the airwaves celebrates with a special two-hour show. ABC Radio National, Saturday, July 6, 7.10pm.

Kev Carmody — Australia's most penetrating and entertaining folk singer, recorded live. ABC Radio National, Sunday, July 7, 4.05pm.

Radio-Eye: No Flares on Me — A brief history of the punk music phenomenon beginning with the London concert by the Ramones on July 4, 1976. A year later, during the Royal Jubilee, the Sex Pistols scored a number 1 hit with "God Save the Queen" despite the song being banned by the BBC. ABC Radio National, Sunday, July 7, 8.30pm.

The Box Seat: Jack Davis — Playwright Jack Davis has emerged as a leading and distinctive Aboriginal voice. Davis is interviewed and his life and works discussed. ABC Radio National, Tuesday, July 9, 9.30pm.

The Box Seat: Story About Feeling — The poetic stories and oral histories of Bill Neidjie, a Gagadju elder who lives along the Alligator River in the NT. ABC Radio National, Thursday, July 11, 9.30pm.

The Hole in the Ground Mob — Just a few metres from the centre of Sydney's Kings Cross live people who inhabit the abandoned foundations of a building never completed. A moving account of Australia's growing number of urban fringe dwellers — the homeless. ABC Radio National, Saturday, July 13, 3.30pm.

No Sugar — Jack Davis's widely acclaimed play about the forced move of the Aboriginal community of Northam in WA to a government concentration camp at Moore River. ABC Radio National, Sunday, July 14, 3.05pm.

Radio-Eye: Blacklisted — Part 2 on the US House Un-American Activities Committee's vendetta against the left in the late 1940s and 1950s. ABC Radio National, Sunday, July 14, 8.30pm.

The Listening Room: Mungo — By Ros Bandt. An aural journey into the psyche of one of Australia's most significant world heritage areas — Lake Mungo, site of some of the earliest known artefacts of Australia's indigenous people and where, 200 years ago, white settlers drove them away. ABC Classic FM, Monday, July 15, 9pm.

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