Melbourne's progressive community radio station 3CR is deeply committed to fighting injustice. It broadcasts the voices of groups and individuals who rarely have a voice in mainstream media. Most recently, 3CR has given extensive air-time to struggle of the detained asylum seekers.
3CR's comprehensive coverage of the protest actions at the Woomera detention centre over Easter, the M1 protests around Australia and at the Maribyrnong detention centre in Melbourne are good examples of the station's commitment to alternative information about social, economic, cultural and political developments taking place in Australia and around the world.
For more than 25 years, 3CR has provided volunteer-driven broadcasting which has allowed the station to remain free from censorship and corporate sponsorship. Every week, more than 400 volunteer programmers, broadcasting in 20 languages, provide 24-hour coverage of the issues that affect our daily lives.
3CR represents true media diversity, with hundreds of community groups expressing their views on air: Kooris, women, environmentalists, community language groups, social justice activists, trade unions, lesbians and gays, artists and alternative and local musicians.
Over the past year, 3CR volunteer programmers have won awards for their coverage of the S11 2000 protests and the local music scene.
3CR is holding its annual radioathon from June 3 to June 16. This year the station needs to raise $125,000. Donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please phone (03) 9419 8377 with your donation, mail a cheque to 3CR at PO Box 1277, Collingwood, 3066, or drop it in at 21 Smith Street, Fitzroy.
From Green Left Weekly, May 22, 2002.
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