Rallies for native title

October 15, 1997

Rallies for native title

Australians for Native Title held a "Rally for coexistence and for native title" in Perth on September 28. More than 60 people heard a range of speakers address the implications of Howard's 10-point plan and what people can do about it.

Tony Cooke from the Trades and Labour Council welcomed protesters to the Workers' Embassy outside Parliament House, where the rally was held. "Solidarity is a two-way street", he said, emphasising the need for the union movement to support justice for all oppressed groups, and for community support against attacks on workers.

Glen Shaw from Aboriginal Legal Services said: "The High Court decision on Wik was a defeat for Aboriginal people. It put farming and pastoralist's rights before those of indigenous people, but nevertheless it gave us limited rights. Now Howard's amendments will take even that away."

Shaw, a representative on the national working group for native title, described a meeting with Howard in which he gave them three minutes before he presented them with his amendments. "That was the 'consultation' that took place, just three minutes", Shaw said.

Solidarity messages from Sir Ronald Wilson and Greens (WA) Senator Dee Margetts were read.

In Sydney, up to 5000 people attended the "Side by Side — Rally for Native Title" on October 11 in the Domain. The crowd (pictured) was addressed by Noel Pearson and Hazel Hawke, amongst others.

@photo credit = Photo by Ken Bansgrove.

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