Rally and march for Palestinian men

Actions, protests & rallies


1:00pm Sunday 30 June


King George Square
Adelaide Street
Brisbane QLD 4000


Stand with us, Sunday at 1 PM June 30th in King George Square. The Western powers and media want us to believe that the lives of men don't matter, that the Palestinian men putting their bodies on the line for families don't count. But we know this is not true, we know that from the river to the sea, means freedom for all. As scholar-activist Nada Elia puts it: “They [too] have ambitions. Some want to be writers, others lawyers. Many are in love, all are loved.” We will not stop until all men, all women, all children, ALL are free.

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Stand with us, on these stolen lands of the Yuggera and Turrbal people, to call across the seas to the stolen lands of the Palestinian people

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