Rally for Palestine in Katoomba

Actions, protests & rallies
Blue Mountains


12:00pm Saturday 08 February


Katoomba St
Katoomba NSW


Join us in solidarity as we continue the fight for Palestinian freedom.

The announcement of a ceasefire brings a moment of relief, but it is layered with complexity. While we share in the joy felt in Gaza, we are acutely aware of the devastation that remains. The territory has been left in ruins, and the road to recovery is long.

It is now more important than ever that we continue to stand up, unite, and push for justice and accountability. The work has only just begun!

Our next rally will be on Saturday, February 8th, at 12pm in Katoomba. We invite our community to join us and hear from passionate advocates for Palestine, including Greens Senator David Shoebridge and Egyptian-Australian doctor Ziad Basyouny candidate for Watson.
While this week has seen a small step forward for Palestine, the fight for freedom is far from over.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸 

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