Rally to support 24-7 refugee protest outside immigration ministerTony Burke's office

Actions, protests & rallies
Western Sydney


5:00pm Tuesday 06 August


Tony Burke MP office
29/1 Broadway
Punchbowl NSW


After Albanese's cabinet reshuffle, Tony Burke is both Minister of Immigration and of Home Affairs. From 10am next Tuesday 6 August, refugees will commence a 24-7 protest outside his office in Punchbowl, Sydney. This follows weeks of protest outside the office of former Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil in Melbourne. In solidarity, RAC is holding a protest the same day. Join us to support:

  • Thousands of asylum seekers rejected under Scott Morrison's unfair "fast track" system who are frustrated that Labor is refusing to review their cases
  • Hundreds of ex Manus and Nauru refugees in permanent limbo in Australia
  • Scores of refugees remaining on PNG after 11 years, and 100 recent boat arrivals on Nauru
  • Around 14,000 refugees trapped in Indonesia due to Australia's policies, without the right to work or to access health and education

If you can't make it at 5pm the refugees plan to be there continuously from 10am Tuesday so you can drop in any time

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