Actions, protests & rallies


9:30pm Monday 11 September


Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


Nine of the most annoying and racist TERFs will be meeting inside the Federal Parliament House to spread their stupid ideologies. We must put an end to this Nightmare TERF meet-up, consisting of:

  • Angie Jones: Terminally online Twitter loser who helped organise the Melbourne Let Women Speak event where TERFs were hugging and cavorting with Nazis holding a sign saying DESTROY PAEDO FREAKS
  • Louise Elliot: Shill for landlords and Hobart City Councillor who tried to segregate trans people away from all other bathrooms
  • Sall Grover: Sky News regular who runs a fake app no one uses, which uses racist facial recognition software to try to kick out trans women from the app (which fails anyway)
  • Moira Deeming: Anti-abortion and anti-vax activist who was so transphobic she was kicked out of even the Victorian Liberal Party
  • Jasmine Sussex: Sacked from the Australian Breastfeeding Association for refusing to use gender-neutral language
  • Katherine Deves: Perennial failed candidate in the Liberal Party who can’t stop running for election or preselection and losing, compares the LGBT community to Nazis
  • Kirralie Smith: Previously an Islamophobic campaigner against halal food who pivoted to opposing gay marriage who pivoted to anti-trans activism with her shell organisation ‘Binary.’
  • Jillian Spencer: A lame anti-puberty blocker psychologist who was stood down from the Queensland Children’s Hospital for being transphobic.
  • Holly Lawford Smith: Barnacle of academia who spends her entire academic career at University of Melbourne setting up websites to dox trans women, does media with wannabe-American far-right agitators like ‘Real Rushkan’

We need you on the street with us to fight for our rights. Check out the Facebook event.



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