Raw, wacky and funny

April 24, 1996

Higglety Biggledy Cabaret
By Throttle
Dispensary Cafe, 84 Enmore Rd, Enmore
Wednesday nights at 8pm until May 8
Reviewed by Brendan Doyle

After performing at the '95 Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the recent Adelaide Fringe, Throttle returns to Sydney for a brief season at the Dispensary Cafe. Throttle is an ensemble of young performers who seem willing to do anything for a laugh. Their cabaret show is in constant mutation, with new acts being tried out each Wednesday.

This is raw, wacky theatre where anything can happen. And it did on opening night. During a particularly tacky magic act, a drunk walked in off the street bearing a flagon and began yelling a critique of the performance. The magicians answered back, and the drunk said, "I like this pub. It's different."

Other acts included the ritual dismembering of several Barbie dolls, a living Calvin Klein commercial, horrendous renditions of classic popular songs and a Beat poet beautifully accompanied by flute and bongos.

If you are bored with conventional theatre, or just plain can't afford it, or are put off by postmodern navel gazing, then Higglety Biggledy Cabaret is for you. For $8, I thought it was good value. Venue is BYO.

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