Reading circle: Leila Khaled's autobiography My People Shall Live

Classes & reading circles
Gadigal Country/Sydney


7:00pm Thursday 01 August


Sydney Resistance Centre
22 Mountain St
Ultimo NSW 2007


READING CIRCLE: Leila Khaled's autobiography My People Shall Live: the autobiography of a revolutionary.


Leila Khaled's book freely available here:

Leila Khaled is one of Palestine's most renowned freedom fighters, famous for the courageous and non-violent actions in 1969 and 1970, to raise awareness about Palestine's fight for freedom.

A member of the revolutionary Marxist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Leila is still resisting Israel's genocide.

Read and discuss her autobiography with Palestinian writer and socialist, Khaled Ghannam and National Tertiary Education Union Sydney University member and Socialist Alliance member Dr. Markela Panegyres.

The first class on Thursday August 1, 7pm will introduce Leila Khaled's life, her book and her politics. Class will take place fortnightly on Friday.

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Questions we will answer:

1- What do you know about Leila Khaled's childhood?
2- How did the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine established their movement in ideological and practical terms?
3- What is the role of Palestinian women in the Palestinian struggle during the sixties then to the end of the last century?
4- The Palestinian armed struggle movements began to operate after the 1948 Nakba, replacing the jihad approach. What is the impact of the revolutions of Latin America, Vietnam, and China on the mechanisms of the Palestinian armed struggle?
5-The Palestinian revolution used the method of hijacking air planes as part of its struggle against the Zionist project. What were its goals? Did the Communist parties of Eastern Europe have any influence in this period on the struggle to free Palestine?

Hosted by Green Left, Socialist Alliance.

Contact 0403 517 266

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