Report slams Qld ALP failures

October 24, 1995

By Bill Mason BRISBANE — A Labor Party committee, chaired by former federal president Mick Young, has called for widespread internal reform. The report paints a picture of a party, run by a chosen few, ruling over a membership which believes the Goss government has moved too far from "traditional labor values" in its quest for efficiency and economic rationalism. The 24-page report, summarised in the October 17 Courier-Mail, said that ALP members are upset with the government's fixation on cutting the state's debt. Debt reduction is important but "should not be at the expense of delivering high standards of service and employment to working people". The Young report makes 43 politely-worded recommendations that avoid making any direct criticism of individuals. The committee held 15 meetings of party members around the state and received 270 written submissions.

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