Residents organise to save O'Connor ridge

March 8, 2000

Residents organise to save O'Connor ridge

By Geoff Wasteneys

CANBERRA — Local residents have formed an action group here, Save the Ridge, to protest against ACT government plans to build up to six lanes of freeway through the Bruce/O'Connor ridge, which is part of the Canberra Nature Park adjoining Black Mountain.

An ACT Legislative Assembly committee inquiry will hold public hearings on the matter on March 24, March 31 and April 7.

Save the Ridge incorporated as an association in October and already has more than 1000 members and supporters from all over Canberra. The group is planning a public rally outside the Legislative Assembly building on April 7.

For more information visit Save the Ridge's web site at <> or phone 6230 6898 (answer phone) or 6247 7778. The group's next meeting will be on March 27, 8pm at the Brindabella School, Brigalow Street, Lyneham.

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