Resistance briefs

November 25, 1998

PERTH — On Wednesday November 18, Resistance members were invited to speak at John Curtin Senior High in Fremantle by a social studies teacher who loves Resistance. More than 35 students watched video footage of Resistance's high school walkouts and enthusiastically discussed what Resistance is all about. Many who had thought that Resistance was a single-issue anti-racist organisation were very impressed by the breadth of the issues and campaigns that Resistance takes up. Students are now keen to set up a Resistance club on the school.

SYDNEY — On Friday, November 20, Sydney Resistance organised a successful speak-out and action against police harassment of young people. On the steps of Town Hall, Resistance high school members Danny Fairfax and Ryan Liddell discussed their first-hand experiences with police harassment, proposals for even greater police powers and the current anti-youth hysteria in NSW.

WOLLONGONG — Continuing from the success of Reclaim the Night, 10 women met at the Wollongong Women's Centre on Wednesday, November 11, to launch the International Women's Day (IWD) collective in Wollongong for 1999. "It is important to start organising IWD 1999 this year, to continue from the success of Reclaim the Night and to draw in as many people as possible to the struggle for women's liberation", said Resistance activist and IWD collective member Angela Luvera.

The collective will meet again on Wednesday, December 2, 5:30pm, at the Women's Centre to discuss the national IWD broadsheet and further plans on how to build IWD 1999. All interested women are encouraged to join the collective. For more information, phone Angela 42 262010, or Chris 42 281499.

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