MELBOURNE — Activists are gearing up for one of the biggest events on the socialist calendar — the annual Resistance national conference, July 8-11. Prior to the conference, Resistance activists will hold a series of actions to draw attention to the problems of this system, which works for profit instead of people.
On June 4, Resistance members held a picket outside a Nike store here. Pam Kerr from Fair Wear and Bronwyn Jennings, who recently returned from Indonesia, spoke. Resistance activists have pledged to continue with such actions to build solidarity with the democracy movement in Indonesia.
Resistance members have also planned an educational weekend during the mid-year school break. Resistance organiser Kerryn Williams told Resistance: "We plan to discuss revolutions from Russia, Nicaragua and Chile to the developing revolution in Indonesia". The seminar will run from June 28 to Friday July 2.
By Justine Kamprad
HOBART — At the recent annual general meeting of the Tasmanian University Union, Labor and Liberal students worked together to sabotage solidarity motions. A Labor student moved amendments to an Indonesia and East Timor solidarity motion, and a motion of support for the national liberation struggle of the Kosova Albanians, proposed by Resistance members. In both cases the motion was seconded by the head of the Tasmanian Young Liberals.
The Indonesia and East Timor solidarity motion was modified to remove any reference to the role, past and present, of the Australian government in supporting the military dictatorship. The demand to end military ties was also removed on the ground that training the Indonesian army to be better killers taught it how "democratic" armed forces should operate.
The motion about Serbia and Kosova called for an end to NATO bombing, the recognition of the right of the Kosovars to self-determination and the removal of the arms embargo on Kosova. The same Labor student moved an amendment removing the demand for the end to the arms embargo. It was claimed that an increase in the availability of arms would lead to retribution killings of the Serb minority in Kosova. Once the amendment had been passed, Labor and Liberal students voted against the motion.
By Rohan Pearce
WOLLONGONG — The Wollongong University Resistance Club screened Indonesia in Revolt: Democracy or Death on June 2 as part of Resistance's campaign of solidarity with the struggle for democracy in Indonesia and independence for East Timor. The next focus for the Resistance Club is a forum in second semester featuring an Australian solidarity activist recently returned from East Timor.
By Angela Luvera