Resistance will host the Melbourne campaign launch for Wear It Purple on August 27.
Wear It Purple is an organisation which looks out for the interests of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI), and runs numerous campaigns around homophobic bullying, particularly in high schools.
The organisation has already been running a successful campaign in Sydney and is looking to achieve similar success in Melbourne. Given that the rates of self-harm and suicide are five times higher among LGBTI youth than heterosexual youth, a successful campaign against homophobic and transphobic bullying among young people is crucial.
Resistance in Melbourne will work with other groups to support the campaign, making the statement loud and clear that homophobia and transphobia are not on and have no place in society.
The Equal Love Campaign for equal marriage rights is putting serious pressure on the upcoming ALP conference in December, so it’s an important time for the LGBTI rights movements.
The campaign launch has been timed to coincide with Wear It Purple Day, a day in which people are encouraged to wear purple clothing to show support and solidarity for queer youth standing up to homophobic bullying and prejudice.
LGBTI rights are human rights. Resistance in Melbourne is looking forward to working with Wear It Purple.
[The launch will be at the Resistance Centre, 5/407 Swanston Street, Melbourne, on August 27 at 2.30pm. For details phone Aron on (03) 9639 8622.]