MELBOURNE — Students at Melbourne University have had a resounding victory over the right-wing dominated Student Council. Over three days from April 17, students approved four referenda proposals, by margins of up to 90%, to strengthen the democratic functioning of the student union, establish a disabled toilet and parents' room on the ground floor of Union House, and save the Food Co-op.
The right-wing Student Alliance faction on the Student Council, made up of both Labor and Liberal students, sought to move the Food Co-op to the basement of Union House, possibly as a first step towards closing it, and to rent out the co-op's current prime location to a private food outlet. The Food Co-op has been a feature of the Student Union for 23 years, providing cheap and nutritious food to students. The planned move was overwhelmingly rejected by student voters.
Students also voted to overturn undemocratic changes to the union's structure brought in by Student Alliance. In 1999, Student Alliance, with the support of other right-wing groups on Council, disaffiliated its main rivals, Left Focus, from the student union on trumped-up charges. The disaffiliation was an obvious bid to prevent Left Focus from contesting future elections.
A ballot initiative overwhelmingly approved by students will prevent such an action happening again. Rather than needing to be affiliated to the Student Union as a club, making it vulnerable to disaffiliation by a hostile Student Council, now election tickets will only need to register with the returning officer.
Students also voted to overturn a Student Alliance rule that doubled the quorum necessary for a valid student general meeting or referendum, both of which have the power to override the Student Council.
Success in all four referenda was due to a large turnout by the left to campaign for a "yes" vote and to students' awareness of the undemocratic nature of the student right wing. The move against the Food Co-op was particularly unpopular.
Student Alliance has lodged an appeal against the results.