MELBOURNE — Civil-rights campaigners have welcomed the US Supreme Court ruling to scrap the Bush administration's military commissions. "These commissions were about finding people guilty without evidence or proper procedures", Civil Rights Defence (CRD) spokesperson Will Anderson said on June 30. "Detainees at the Guantanamo prison camp must now be tried in a civilian court or released immediately."
"The Howard government has been embarrassed by its support for the Bush administration's kangaroo courts" Anderson continued. "By endorsing arbitrary detention, it is complicit in human rights abuses."
CRD is organising a protest on July 24 at 8.30am outside the court hearing of 13 Australian men arrested under the draconian new "anti-terror" laws, at 250 William Street, Melbourne.
Selena Black
From Green Left Weekly, July 5, 2006.
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