Rise Up: Tanya Plibersek teach-in

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


4:00pm Friday 03 May


Tanya Plibersek MP's office
267 Cleveland St
Redfern NSW


Across the continent, our communities have faced a summer of devastating climate impacts, from devastating cyclones and floods to sweltering heat waves. Yet fossil fuel companies are fueling the flames of the crisis, pushing ahead with risky coal and gas. 

And, despite being elected in a historic wave of support for climate action, the Albanese government has fundamentally failed in the number one test of climate leadership: saying NO to more coal and gas projects. 

Tanya Plibersek has the powers to intervene on stopping fossil fuel projects as the Environment Minister but hasn't done so- SS4C and AYCC will be convening to give her a few lessons about what protecting environment means. 

With an upcoming Federal Budget deciding what gets funding, and a looming deadline for Labor to fix our environment laws so they consider the impacts of climate change, right now is a crucial moment to rise up and make our demands loud and clear:

❌no approvals or handouts for coal and gas ❌

This event is hosted by School Strike 4 Climate and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, all young people are welcome!

This event will take place on stolen land of the Gadigal people. Sovereignty was never ceded. Always Was, Always Will Be.

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