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Join Naarm/Melbourne Rising Tide for a fun, family-friendly night filled with speakers, music and food! Mon 1 July 2024


6:00pm to 8:00pm Monday 01 July


Brunswick Ballroom
314 Sydney Road
Brunswick VIC 3055


In two weeks time, a convoy of community organisers from Muloobinba / Newcastle and across the east coast will be joining us in Naarm/Melbourne as part of the east coast wide Rising Tide Tour, to promote the People's Blockade of the World's Largest Coal Port in November.

We want to do our bit here in Naarm to help get 10,000 people to the port in November and shut it down, calling for all new fossil fuel projects to be cancelled immediately, a 75% tax on fossil fuel exports to fund alternative jobs for workers and communities (plus a climate loss and damage fund), and a phasing out of all coal exports from the port of Newcastle by 2030.

The blockade is a powerful fusion of radical non violent direct action with a beautiful festival atmosphere on the beach. It is an important and valuable space for community climate activists, unionists, radicals and progressives from all walks of life and from across the east coast to meet, discuss, network, strategise and blockade together.

Come and join us on Monday Evening July 1 at Brunswick Ballroom to hear about the 2024 blockade - with MC Tom Ballard, and live music from Earthworker Bushdance Band, Jye Batham and Lewin Wild.

The climate crisis is spiralling out of control, yet Liberal and Labor governments alike keep approving more fossil fuel projects. Instead of exporting weapons to support Israel's pulverising of Gaza, and instead of pouring hundreds of billions into nuclear submarines, Australia should be making an example for the world of what it is to go from being a top exporter of fossil fuels and war machines to being a top exporter of peace and climate action.

History shows people power can change the world. 

Together we can make it happen. But we need you to get involved

RSVP here - 


Contact details

Rising Tide

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