Sacked TAFE teachers' case begins

May 19, 1999

Sacked TAFE teachers' case begins

By Jonathan Singer

MELBOURNE — On May 17 and June 1, the Equal Opportunity Tribunal will begin to hear Alison Thorne and Barbara Morgan's cases against their sacking by the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE (NMIT).

Morgan was secretary of the Australian Education Union sub-branch. In the middle of an industrial dispute, her contract was not renewed while new teachers were employed. She'd worked in the language studies department for nine years.

Thorne, a permanent teacher and the president of the AEU sub-branch, was retrenched shortly after management threatened to stand her down for applying union bans. Thorne's department then employed nine low-paid sessional teachers while claiming Thorne was excess staff.

Both cases are supported by the AEU. The NMIT Unionists Campaign Committee is now pursuing both cases at a full tribunal hearing.

The committee, which opposes harassment of unionists, union busting and casualisation of TAFE teaching, hopes success in the cases will send the message that managements that victimise unionists will be held to account.

To help with the campaign, write to NMIT Unionists Campaign Committee, PO Box 266, West Brunswick Vic 3055, or phone 9386 5065 or 9499 4798.

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