A sample of on-line UN information:
unic.news: Daily highlights and profiles of United Nations activities. Also includes special press releases and announcements of activities and press conferences at the United Nations Information Centre in Sydney.
un.general: News about the United Nations from various sources including the InterPress Service, World Radio Transcription Services, NGO reports and other sources.
ngls.news: Publications of the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service, covering government and non-government issues and activities relating to the UN.
A sample of on-line information on specific UN conferences
csd.general: Sponsored by the International Task Group on Legal and Institutional Matters of UNCED to provide a clearing house for information, ideas and notices about the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.
icpd.general: Information on the preparations for the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, September 1994.
inc.desert: Official documents and information on the negotiations within the United Nations for the International Convention to Combat Desertification.
unhr.documents: Official documents pertaining to human rights, including the Vienna Declaration.
un.wcw.doc.eng: Information and official documents from the Secretariat for the Fourth World Conference on Women.