HOBART The Wilderness Society has relaunched a major campaign to save the Styx "Valley of the Giants" from logging on the 20th anniversary of the High Court's confirmation of the legality of the government's decision to stop the Franklin Dam.
The Wilderness Society hosted a commemorative function on July 1 at their offices. July 1 was also the first of 13 days of a "Forest Stand" in the Styx Valley. A range of community activities will be held over this period followed by a big rally to be held on July 13 in the Styx forest.
The Forest Stand is described as "a creative and interpretative space in the heart of the Styx Forest ... where people can write, draw, paint and generally express their feelings about the forest."
People who want to go to the Forest Stand can pick up a self-drive guide from The Wilderness Shop in Hobart's Salamanca Place. Alternatively, people can drive 2.5km past Maydena, then turn right onto the dirt road and follow signs along the Styx Road to the Stand. Phone (03) 6224 0039 for car pooling.
From Green Left Weekly, July 9, 2003.
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