School strike for West Papua

August 30, 2024
Free West Papuan political prisoners
Free West Papuan political prisoners, marching for Papua Merdeka, August 30. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

More than 100 people marched through the streets on August 30 as part of a School Strike 4 Climate student strike for West Papua.

“Right now my people, the people of West Papua are living through a painful reality,” a message from Papuan activist Jeffrey, which was read to the crowd, said.

“We face violence, discrimination and an ongoing struggle just to have our rights recognised,” the message said.

The colonising Indonesian state denies the people of West Papua their rights to self determination, to raise their own Morning Star flag and to speak freely since what Papuans describe as an “Act of No Choice” in 1969.

Environmentally- and socially-destructive mining and forestry operations are bitterly opposed by local people.

“When we look for the freedom to make our own choices and protect our own lands, we are often met with military force and the silence of the world,” the message said.

“We must raise our voices, demand justice and stand against this oppression.”

The action took place in defiance of an attempt by Instagram to silence the organisers when their Instagram page was shut down earlier this year.

The action was one of 30 strikes for West Papua taking place around the world.

[See more photos on the Green Left Facebook page.]


School strike for West Papua, Magan-djin/Brisbane, August 30
School strike for West Papua, Magan-djin/Brisbane, August 30. Photo: Alex Bainbridge


Free West Papua
Free West Papua. Photo: Alex Bainbridge


Papuan freedom songs
Papuan freedom songs. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

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