A sea shepherd's strategy

April 20, 1994

Earthforce!: An Earth Warrior's Guide to Strategy
By Captain Paul Watson
Reviewed by Jon Sumby

Books about direct action are rare, and when ecodefence author and Earthfirst!er Dave Foreman describes the author as a "strategic genius of non-violent ecological defence", you have to be interested.

Paul Watson is the founder-leader of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an organisation that has been involved in the environmental struggle for more than 17 years. Earthforce! is the distillation of this experience and an articulation of the knowledge that has been his guide.

"'They have their rifles pointed at us, I think they are going to shoot.'

"'Smile and wave', I replied without looking back.

"My two crew smiled and waved and I kept my back to them until we were out of range. They did not shoot.

"My tactic confused them. They were uncertain of who we were. We acted friendly. They would be punished severely if they made a mistake. It is psychologically difficult to shoot someone in the back who has not demonstrated a threat. It is even more difficult to shoot a person who is smiling and waving at you. At the same time, it was a good risk. I decided to gamble with favourable odds and we won.

"To avoid pursuit, do not run. At the first opportunity, find a means to blend in. That which is obvious is less suspect. Always plan your avenues of escape. Know the terrain. It is also good to have a cover, false identification and an alibi."

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been active since 1979, when it sank the pirate whaler Sierra. Since that time it has rammed, sunk or disabled more than a dozen ships involved in eco-destruction. Not one person has been killed or injured, nor have any charges been laid.

The society's basic operational standards are not to use explosives or firearms, not to risk life, and to acknowledge responsibility for any actions.

Watson's advice is: "In direct confrontation, never compromise. In indirect confrontation use compromise as a tactic of deception only. The Earth Warrior must never compromise in the defence of the Earth."

Earthforce! begins by discussing the spiritual foundation of an Earth warrior and continues with the nuts and bolts of strategic direct action, the essence of a campaign, the laws of eco-guerilla activity, terrain and situation, intelligence gathering, manoeuvring, confrontation and preparation.

Watson bases much of his approach on the work of Sun Tzu, Marshall McLuhan and Miyamoto Musashi. This is evident in the style of the book. His advice is in plain, simple statements. They appear to be self-evident, but as you read their subtlety becomes apparent.

Watson approaches many topics in a philosophical manner, which can seem pretentious until you have begun to absorb the message and can appreciate the strategic sense.

The book expresses a very definite approach to life. Watson sums this up, "You must touch the Earth. It is from the Earth that you have sprung and it is from the Earth that you receive your nourishment and your strength."

Earthforce! is available from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, PO Box 334, Clifton Hill Vic 3068, for $20 plus $2.50 postage.

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