Setback for tax office management

May 20, 1998

Setback for tax office management

By Ben Courtice

The agreement accepted by executive level two staff in the Australian Taxation Office will not be certified by the Industrial Relations Commission because management made corrections to the document during the voting process. Management is planning to put the amended document to executive level two staff for another vote.

As well, the agreement put to general employees was rejected by more than 60% of staff who voted. Management are again negotiating with the union, although they have indicated that they will put the same agreement to a second vote.

The tax section of the Community and Public Sector Union has threatened industrial action to force management to make a more reasonable offer. Membership meetings called for the week ending May 22 to discuss the campaign were cancelled to allow more time for negotiations with management.

The management offer includes many unpopular measures including no job security, performance management, compulsory contestability and pay rises conditional on performance.

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