She can wear the pants

July 6, 1994

She can wear the pants

By Michael Boswell

PERTH — The trivial farce over women workers wearing trousers in the WA parliament ended on June 30 when the speakers of both the Legislative Assembly and Council indicated that women could now wear trousers in WA's parliament.

The row started about a fortnight earlier when Hansard reporter Judyth Baverstock was threatened with the sack if she continued to wear trousers.

Women members of parliament have been able to wear trousers but not employees. A number of women MPs, such as ALP member Cheryl Davenport, expressed outrage at the victimisation. Laughter turned to disbelief when premier Richard Court publicly defended the antiquated protocol.

Court indicated that in handling the public and important visitors, it was inappropriate for women to wear trousers. Entering the fray, various upper class girls schools and St Georges Terrace employers also supported Court's stance.

After reviewing the original guidelines, the speakers backed down, saving some credibility for the WA parliament and Court.

Hopefully, this example will be followed in businesses on St Georges Terrace, and in the upper class girls schools, some time before the end of the century.

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