- The national minimum weekly wage is $467.40 gross per week (less than $25,000 per annum). Federal MPs and Senators receive a basic annual salary of $106,770 per year.
- In addition, pollies receive an electorate allowance of between $27,300 and $39,600 per year.
- Ministers, junior ministers and office holders also receive an additional salary, which brings Prime Minister John Howard's annual salary to $304,902.00 per year, and opposition leader Mark Latham's to $224,830.
- MPs receive free travel to and from Canberra, $170 per night travel allowance and free travel for parliamentary or electorate business in Australia.
- MPs and their spouses are each entitled to one first-class around-the-world ticket during the life of each parliament, plus reimbursement of accommodation and expenses.
- Politicians are entitled to travel perks when they retire, ranging from a schedule of free trips to a gold pass covering a lifetime of free travel.
- All politicians receive a new car, a fuel card, mobile and residential phones, a lap top and a palm pilot.
- Politicians elected at or after the 2004 election will
receive 9% of their salary in superannuation contributions. Those elected prior to 2004 will continue to receive 69% of their salary in superannuation contributions.
[Sources: <http://www.aph.gov.au/library/INTGUIDE/pol/parlremap.PDF> and <http://www.michaelorgan.org.au>.]
From Green Left Weekly, October 27, 2004.
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