Silent procession: We are not numbers!

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


5:00pm Friday 26 July


Sydney Town Hall Square
Sydney NSW


Join us for a solemn and impactful silent procession and vigil titled “We Are Not Numbers” as we gather on Gadigal land (Sydney) to honour the memory of the 15,000+ martyred children of Palestine. Together, we will illuminate Town Hall with 15,000 LED candles, symbolising our collective grief and solidarity.

The media and government remain silent on the tragic loss of children’s lives in Palestine. Let us unite to bring this issue to the forefront and stand in solidarity with those affected. Everyone is welcome to join us in this powerful demonstration of remembrance and support.

Sign up now to participate in this meaningful event. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that these innocent lives are never forgotten.

🎨 Artwork by @inda_binda

Thank you for all groups involved

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