Snap action: Healthcare Workers for a Free Palestine

Actions, protests & rallies


4:00pm to 6:00pm Monday 20 November


Levers Reserve
Parkville VIC 3052


Calling all Healthcare workers across all Unions and industries!

Healthcare Workers for Palestine stand against genocide.

On Palestinian Independence Day, November 15th, Israeli Occupied Forces raided Al Shifa hospital, the Chief Doctor stated “they have made the hospital a war zone”.

Over the last 4 weeks we have watched harrowing footage of Israel bombing hospitals across Gaza, including the most recent raid of Al Shifa Hospital.

Israel’s siege has stopped critical resources including fuel, food, water and sanitation resources from entering the occupied area, forcing healthworkers to conduct surgery without anaesthetic over the last few weeks.

Over the last seven days, babies in ICU have now been taken off oxygen due to fuel shortages, and cancer and intensive care patients have been killed after Israel has deliberately bombed cancer and intensive care hospitals.

Yet Palestinian healthcare workers have continued to uphold their work to save lives, and provide care against all odds.

As healthcare workers, unionists and as people, we are standing up and speaking out against the brutal oppression of the Palestinian people.

This Monday, 20th November marks World Children’s Day.

Join us, as healthcare workers across the Victorian healthcare unions as we speak out for a free Palestine.


End the genocide! End apartheid!

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