ADELAIDE — The Socialist Alliance will be contesting the seat of Adelaide in the February 9 South Australian election, providing a anti-privatisation, anti-nuclear and pro-refugee alternative to the Liberal and Labor parties.
The Socialist Alliance's candidate is Tom Sheridan, a leader of the refugee rights campaign. Sheridan has also been involved in numerous local campaigns, including opposing the privatisation of the Queen Elizabeth hospital. Most recently, Sheridan has been supporting a community campaign to stop CastAlloy foundry's toxic emissions.
The Socialist Alliance will also be campaigning against the federal government's plan to establish a radioactive waste dump in northern South Australia. The dump is opposed by up to 93% of South Australians. It is closely connected to the federal government's plan to build a new nuclear research reactor in Sydney.
The alliance will also campaign in support of Australia taking more refugees and ending mandatory detention of asylum seekers.
The ALP candidate, former Adelaide lord mayor Jane Lomax-Smith, has a high level of support in Adelaide. The Liberal candidate, deputy lord mayor Michael Harbison, played a central role in having council bylaws passed that prohibited public drinking in the city. The law was aimed at Aboriginal and homeless people.
From Green Left Weekly, January 23, 2002.
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