By Fiona Passmore
WOLLONGONG — On March 20, students at Wollongong University attended a Resistance forum on the theme "East Timor: Freedom Now!".
A key issue raised in the discussion was the Australian government's tacit support for the Indonesian occupation of East Timor — its strong economic and military links with the Indonesian regime, its refusal to recognise the continuing repression suffered by the East Timorese, and its support for Australian-Indonesian oil mining ventures in the Timor Sea.
"By strengthening the economic and political ties with the Indonesian regime over recent years, the ALP in government worsened the plight of all East Timorese. The Liberals in power are not going make things any better", said Resistance member Jim Green.
The discussion emphasised the urgent need for solidarity with the East Timorese freedom movement and Wollongong Resistance has decided to organise a public action on March 30 at 11.30am at the Crown Street mall (outside Gateway). For more information phone (042) 2010.