By Pip Hunter
SYDNEY — "Historically, it has been easy to discuss class and race in the South African context. But the discussion on gender has been undermined or subsumed", Thenjiwe Mthintso, an African National Congress member of parliament and representative of the ANC Women's Caucus, told a dinner here on September 26. Dealing with issues related to women, she said, was still a major task for the ANC.
Mthintso is in Australia as part of the Chris Hani Memorial Tour. A product of the black consciousness movement in the 1970s, and formerly a commander of the ANC's military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe, Mthintso spent two years in solitary confinement, after which she was exiled for 12 years. When she returned in 1992, the beginnings of a women's movement were evident.
In its 1914 constitution, the ANC did not accept women as full members. "We had a slogan 'side by side with our men'. Women's role was to support the national liberation struggle, and there was a tendency to assume that once we had achieved this women could live happily ever after. The gender question, it was believed, would be solved as a by-product of the national liberation struggle."
She said that this in the main continues to be the ANC's thinking, "although it has been championing women's issues in its own way".
Inside the movement
Mthintso has also led a struggle from within the South African Communist Party (SACP) and ANC on gender relations. An article written by Nombonisa Gasa in the fourth quarter of 1993 South African Communist, the journal of the SACP, tells the story of her brave decision to take up the delicate issue of relations between the sexes within the party.
Because she and her activist companion Isaac had chosen not to marry, there had been no formal acknowledgment of her in a pamphlet produced for his obituary. Gasa reports that at Isaac's funeral, Mthintso used the opportunity to defend the choice she and he had made.
She asserted her right to be recognised as "a woman who had lived, fought, laughed with loved and nursed this man. With such clarity she challenged society, the SACP, ANC and COSATU ... she drew a connection between their personal life and their political beliefs — a lesson for all South African feminists, the left and freedom-loving people in general."
The black consciousness movement of the 1970s had a large impact on all young radicals. "We used to say that we were black first, before anything, a woman or a worker, and that tended to subordinate all the other struggles", Mthintso said. But in the 1980s, coinciding with the rebirth of the feminist movement internationally, the women's movement began to strengthen in South Africa. The Copenhagen and Nairobi women's conferences of that period impacted very strongly on the ANC.
The women's movement in the 1990s was spearheaded by the alliance between the Council of South African Trade Unions, the South African Communist Party and the ANC. In order to raise women's issues and have an impact in the first non-racial elections, the National Women's Coalition was formed and immediately began work on a women's charter. "The charter, the product of a year's work mainly among rural and working class women, was born just before the elections."
There is an ongoing debate about where to locate the charter, Mthintso said. "We already have a constitution and a bill of rights, so is the charter just an appendix to the constitution? Some say that it should be a document that advises. Others say it should have a bigger status."
The ANC is currently tackling the thorny issue of how to implement affirmative action programs. Are quotas the answer? What's missing, Mthintso said, are the mechanisms to ensure affirmative action. "When we talk about quotas, or proportional representation, comrades say 'that's not democratic because you are selecting people just because they are women'. In a country where 54% of the population are women, we cannot avoid the issue."
After much debate, the ANC decided on proportional representation and that women must make up at least 30% of those standing for election. This was easily achieved.
Women make up 35% of the new South African parliament — the majority of whom are in the ANC. However, as Mthintso wryly remarked, "Unequal gender relations have a way of sustaining themselves"; out of 29 people in the cabinet, only three are women.
"Parliament is a slightly different battle for all of us, and we are beginning to realise that", Mthintso said. "Not only is it undemocratic in its structures and hierarchical, it is one of the bastions of male chauvinism — they had even forgotten to put up women's toilets, and we can only use the gym when the boys don't want to! And despite the fact that there are so many women in parliament, there are no child-care facilities."
One problem identified by Mthintso is that the ANC went into parliament "without having put in place the right structures to enable women's voices to be heard".
ANC women wanted a ministry, a representative in cabinet who would speak up on behalf of women in the movement, a gender equality commission and gender desks in all other ministries. "When we got to parliament none of these were in place."
Instead, on offer was a women's caucus and no separate ministry. So, as Mthintso puts it, "We have to get through whatever opening we have to show that women's issues are on the agenda".
While the ANC women's caucus works on injecting women's concerns into the ANC caucus, Mthintso is also concerned that this could lead to a tendency to ghettoise women's issues. She believes that there is a need for an inter-party women's caucus "where all women can speak with one voice and link up with women outside [parliament]".
"The challenge is on us not only outside parliament, but also inside. We have to change the thinking, the way of doing things. But we also have to transform the state and its machinery — and part of that is the army, the police and the civil service.
"We need to bring about a transformation in the lives of all people. But for us, what is key is the empowerment of women."