Green Left Weekly uses a wide variety of sources to bring you the most accurate national and international news each week. We use the resources of progressive international journals, electronic mail, telephone interviews with international activists and our own wide range of international contributors.
But there's nothing quite as certain as having someone on the spot. That's why Green Left makes a priority of having correspondents in places where people are in motion.
Green Left's coverage of the recent events in Moscow could not have been nearly so thorough if we hadn't had Renfrey Clarke on the spot. Coverage of the recent nationalist march in Belfast would not have been so complete if we hadn't had Catherine Brown on the spot (pictured interviewing Gerry Adams).
Next April, the first non-racial elections in South African history will occur. Green Left will provide the most comprehensive political coverage of those elections. But to do that, we need to put a journalist on the spot.
The costs of having a journalist in South Africa at this most important juncture will run into the thousands of dollars. But the gains we will all make, from having accurate and up to date coverage of events in South Africa at this time, far outweigh this.
Yet Green Left Weekly has no special source of funding. We don't make a profit from advertising, and we don't attract corporate sponsors.If Green Left is to send a correspondent to South Africa, it will be only as a result of the financial help of our readers.
If you appreciate Green Left's unique coverage of international political events, then you'll appreciate why we need to put someone on the spot. If you can help, please fill out the clip-off on page 19, and return it to Green Left Weekly, PO Box 394, Broadway 2007.
Green Left Weekly â it's your on the spot paper.