Stand with Palestine: Stop bombing Gaza! Save Sheikh Jarrah!

Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle


Forrest Place
Perth WA 6000


Over the last week tens of thousands of Palestinians have taken to the streets to demand an end to evictions in Sheikh Jarrah, the desecration of Al Aqsa Mosque by Israeli occupation forces and the many other forms of violence and discrimination that are a feature of daily life for Palestinians living under decades of occupation. In response, the Israeli state has gassed and shot at Palestinians seeking sanctuary in Al Aqsa, and bombed a besieged population in Gaza, killing dozens, including children.
We say Israeli war crimes must stop. Palestinians must be given a state of their own and the right to determine their own future.
On 23 May join with us in standing for justice for Palestine.

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