Stonewall in New York

July 20, 1994

Stonewall in New York

By Tom Flanagan

An estimated 1.2 million people marched through the streets of New York to rally in Central Park to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall riots on June 26. Rodney Croome, invited to New York to represent the Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group, was the final speaker at the rally.

Addressing a crowd almost three times the population of Tasmania, Croome spoke about the recent United Nations Human Rights Committee ruling that Tasmania's anti-gay laws contravene international human rights standards.

He also made the point that whatever mainstream institutions, like the UN, do for lesbians and gay men, its never as important as what we do for ourselves. Using the example of those who gathered to protest against the anti-gay rally in Burnie last month, he stressed the importance of grass-roots organising and of people working in their own communities.

Croome described the warm reception he received from the huge rally as a rousing and humbling experience.

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