Stop silencing Palestine in schools!

Actions, protests & rallies
Gadigal Country/Sydney


4:30pm Friday 28 June


Sydney Town Hall square
Sydney NSW


Join us for this rally against the silencing of Palestine in schools. Staff and students are standing up against this repression.

Students have organised walkouts at a number of schools protesting against the repression of solidarity with Palestinians. They will be joining us to tell their stories.

Teachers in NSW have been prevented by the NSW Education Department from showing any form of support for the victims of the genocide in Gaza.

Displays of human sympathy and support that are commonplace in NSW schools around issues like climate action or anti-racism, or government-supported wars like Ukraine, have seen students and teachers face threats and disciplinary action.

Teachers have been told that they can't display images of the Palestinian flag or wear the keffiyeh, the Palestinian scarf. Principals have told teachers that anything about Gaza in the classroom must go through them first. Students have been given detention for drawing the Palestinian flag on their hands.

Meanwhile, the Albanese federal Labor government continues to sell weapons to the genocidal state of Israel, and has awarded contracts to its firms like Elbit. At the same time, the government refuses to immediately fully fund public schools.

The Minns Labor government lit up the Opera House in the Israeli flag, and NSW Premier Chris Minns recently celebrated Israel independence day. Minns has also cut funding to public schools in NSW and has not banned weapons companies complicit in the genocide in Gaza from partnerships with schools.

But teachers, staff and students are fighting back!

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