Students rally against voluntary unionism

March 30, 1994

Students rally against voluntary unionism

By Emma Bird

MELBOURNE — Around 1000 students marched through the streets on March 23 in opposition to the Kennett government's proposed voluntary student unionism legislation. The legislation would disempower student unions, reducing the ability of students to organise politically.

Students from Melbourne tertiary campuses, including Melbourne and La Trobe Universities, RMIT and TAFE, converged on City Square to protest against the proposed ban on compulsory unionism, which would decrease funds for student unions, reducing the range of services available and undermining their representative character.

Without their own independent unions, students would have little ability to resist on issues such as Austudy, HECS and imposition of fees.

From City Square, where students were addressed by speakers from the Student Unionism Network, trade unions and the Richmond Secondary College campaign, the march proceeded up Bourke Street to state parliament.

Here there were further speeches from the TAFE network, Defend the Austudy Five Campaign and student union representatives. Around 30 members of Students for Voluntary Unionism unsuccessfully attempted to interrupt the rally by heckling speakers.

Federal education minister Simon Crean announced that the government would fund student unions in states affected by VSU, using money taken from state budgets.

While this would allow for continued services it would undermine the political independence of unions, in effect placing them under federal government control.

The Kennett government is expected to introduce VSU legislation in the autumn sitting. Further actions are planned in opposition. To get involved in the campaign contact Fleur at Melbourne Uni on (03) 344 4808 or Resistance on (03) 329 1320.

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