Summer in July - Save Our Pool

Actions, protests & rallies


CB Smith Reserve, Juke Road
Fawkner VIC 3060


Come and join us for a fun event with music, kids activities, speaker and more - to save Fawkner's amazing outdoor pool!!!

Bring a towel and feel free to wear something summer-y or pool-y - think goggles, floaties, bring your lilo or sun umbrella, wear a big summery hat (we leave this up to you).

Saturday, 3 July 2021 at 10AM

CB Smith Reserve (in front of Leisure Centre/ Pool)

Line up and more information closer to the event.

Background information:

Our outdoor pool is the heart and soul of our community and has been so for over 50 years.

Fawkner is an important part of Moreland, and deserves the same investment in community services and amenities.

Council’s own data tells us that Fawkner is one of the more disadvantaged communities in Moreland. Removing the pool denies us one of the only affordable opportunities to meet, cool down, relax and learn to swim during our increasingly hotter summers.

We are a proudly diverse community and the outdoor pool allows us to stay connected and build our community.

Fawkner has by far the highest number of young people and children in Moreland (27% under 19 years) with very few affordable opportunities to socialise and have fun. What will they do in summer? Where will they go?

The pool has been neglected and mismanaged for decades: No investment, low staffing, inconsistent opening hours.

Say 'NO' to the Council’s downgrade.

Demand an honest and fair consultation.

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