
Arts, culture & social functions
Regional WA


5:00pm Saturday 21 September to 2:00pm Sunday 22 September


Margaret River Circus School
3/24 Auger Way
Margaret River WA 6285


We welcome you to join us for an enriching collaboration with artists from Palestine and the Margaret River region on Wandandi Boodja Country in the hinterland town of Margaret River in presenting ‘Sumud: Voices from Palestine’ in association with the Naji Art Collective and Celebrate Palestine South West. This special fundraising event creates space for insight into the rich history and culture of Palestine, anchored in the experiences of proud Palestinians living in exile.

Exhibition opening:
Saturday 5pm
21st September 2024

Exhibition duration:
Sunday 10-2pm
22nd September 2024

The term ‘Sumud’ صمود is an Arabic term and Palestinian idea that is interwoven with ideas of personal and collective resilience and steadfastness. Concurrent with this exhibition and poster sale fundraiser, a curation of programming will amplify Palestinian voices through music, poetry, dance, food, storytelling and more. Poster prints of the exhibition artworks will be for sale with all proceeds donated to charities supporting people in Gaza.

Featured artists include:
Dina Mattar
Nidal Elkhairy
Wedad Alnasser
Mohammad Sabaaneh
Ahmed ElKhalidi
Safa El Samad

Local artists contributing artworks inspired by Palestinian resilience include Caralynn Hoft, Gerry and Ned Reilly.

Let’s celebrate the artistry, resilience and beauty of Palestinian art together. We welcome all to join in this event, raising funds to support Palestinian charities providing vital emergency aid. Sliding scale ticket prices include entry, live entertainment, complimentary drinks, and Palestinian-inspired food. This is a ticketed event with limited venue capacity. This fundraising exhibition is open free to the general public on Sunday 22nd September 10-2pm.

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