Supper and solidarity to save Selwyn St boarding home residents from eviction

Actions, protests & rallies
Arts, culture & social functions
Gadigal Country/Sydney


5:00pm Friday 07 February


Corner Josephson St and Flinders Sts
Paddington NSW


Seventeen mostly elderly men, risk eviction from their homes on Monday March 3, 2025.

A developer, LFD Developments, bought four boarding house terraces in Selwyn Street, Paddington, in 2023. They aim to evict the tenants, overhaul the terraces and build four luxury villas in their stead.

Despite the state government and local council pledging to buy the boarding home terraces, the developer has refused to sell. The men have lived in their homes for decades.

The eviction date is imminent, so we must act now to stop them. Show LFD Homes we will resist their inhumane agenda.

With food from Community, Dignity, Respect. Action supported by Maritime Union Australia Sydney.

Supported by: Selwyn Street Boarding Home Tenants, Action for Public Housing NSW, Community Dignity Respect, MUA Sydney branch, Pyrmont Action Inc, Community Union Defense League, Socialist Alliance NSW, Australia Communist Party, Greens Councillor Randwick Council Phillipa Veitch

Contact Rach 0403 517 266

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