Welcome to another year of Green Left Weekly, a proudly independent voice committed to democratic, investigative journalism.
2010 ended on a high note as Wikileaks and Julian Assange showed what true journalism is: exposing the abuses of power that hide behind the veil of government secrecy.
Assange was demonised by much of the mainstream media as a “criminal” and a “terrorist”, but the US and other governments could not defend their real crimes, which were exposed by the Wikileaks cables.
We proudly support Wikileaks: in fact we’ve been writing about many similar issues for two decades, whether it be illegal abductions and torture, war crimes, corruption or subversions of democracy.
According to John Pilger: ‘Without Green Left Weekly, freedom of press and public truth-telling in Australia would be gravely ill’. And not only does GLW expose abuses of power, we also publish the voices of those fighting back against war crimes, corruption and violence — those fighting for a better world.
But we rely on the donations and fundraising efforts of our friends and supporters to survive. Last year we raised $227,592 of our very ambitious $300,000 target. Thank you so much to each and every supporter who made a donation — because of you we can continue our “public truth-telling” into 2011.
This year we’ve set a Fighting Fund target of $250,000 and again ask for your help. Thanks to some generous Socialist Alliance members in Sydney, we’ve already raised $14,753 in the first two weeks of 2011.
You can help by making a donation to the Fighting Fund at: Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, Account No. 901992.
Or, send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, phone in your donation on the toll-free line at 1800 634 206 (within Australia), or donate online at Greenleft.org.au/donate.php.